Thousands of students cross the campus of BYU a day, but some of them cross it in a different way, on wheels. While much of the campus is easily accessible and "wheel friendly" there are buildings and areas of campus that are limited to those on foot. Our purpose is to raise awareness and gain support to better equip our campus for those with special needs.

**The Question and Answer portion of this blog is made with real answers from real people with special needs

Friday, April 1, 2011

John D. (actual name withheld)

Q & A

Q: Is the campus user friendly?

A: some locations

Q: Which buildings are the hardest to get to?

A: JFSB to the Library, then to the Bookstore

Q: Which accesses are poorly constructed around campus?

A: Twisty ramp at the JKB, nightmare for Marriott Center, lots of traffic to get through.

Q: What would you change?

A: Make ramps wider and less steep.


  1. I totally agree with this. This blog is very informative and not being in a wheelchair, I don't know exactly how hard it would be to get around campus. But I can imagine. I've noticed several places around campus that have very bad accessibility.

  2. Honestly, I had never taken time out to think about it but now that it been mentioned, there are quite a few buildings on campus that would be quite the struggle to get a wheelchair in and out of...
